Accelerate your cloud adoption with confidence. atQor following Microsoft Best Practice understand your security posture and confidently leverage your IT Infrastructure to increase your business agility both efficiently and securely.

The Modernization Solution from Microsoft Azure CAF enabled Partner provides a comprehensive approach to move applications, data and infrastructure to an enterprise ready cloud. atQor’s Intelligent strategic Plan for its Customers includes Help navigate real-life challenges and Assist in Developing a business case. atQor has designed the Microsoft Azure Readiness Assessment and Microsoft Azure Migration Roadmap programs that allow organizations to begin their migration with a clear focus and strategic plan.  


Contact Us Today

Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure

atQor plays a direct role in powering businesses and supporting operations, i.e.,

  • Assessing your digital estate,
  • Align people across different cloud teams,
  • A road map to create a cloud adoption plan to manage change.


As a Microsoft Azure Expert MSP, We prepare the cloud environment for planned changes. We review the organization's posture and set up your cloud environment. Also, we will create your migration landing zone to get started with the cloud journey be it Data Warehouse Migration to Microsoft Azure or any other. 

Why Azure Cloud Adoption

73 White
reduction in data center footprint and costs
63 White
increase in annual customer web sales
80 Of Management Tasks Get Reduced White
Improvement in IT application management
50 Per
Improvement in time per customer solution deployment  

Our Azure Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) Offering

We offer a complete range of structured process that adapts to any business and helps in adopting Azure Cloud Framework:

Document Foundational Decisions Document Foundational Decisions White

Document foundational decisions

Accelerate Migration Accelerate Migration White

Accelerate migration

Deliver Operational Excellence Deliver Operational Excellence White

Deliver operational excellence

Align Your Organization Align Your Organization White

Align your organization

Strategy Strategy White


Plan Plan White


Azure Setup Guide Azure Setup Guide White

Azure setup guide

Operating Model Alignment Operating Model Alignment White

Operating model alignment

Azure Landing Zones Azure Landing Zones White

Azure landing zones

Best Practices For Azure Readiness Best Practices For Azure Readiness White

Best practices for Azure readiness

Migrate Migrate White


Innovate Innovate White


Govern Govern White


Manage Manage White


Organize Organize White


Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure Services

Let's Start