Putting approval requests to each authority manually may consume time in CAPEX approval, and such steps may affect the operational growth indirectly.

Having a flexible CAPEX approval software that works on automated hierarchy for protecting investments consuming shorter process cycles can ease the fund management. With atQor’s expert team, get your existing process automated within a few days or hours, ensuring each request passing through an attentive evaluation process swiftly and attain a competitive edge in your business.


The world of business is continuous in evolution and in such constant growth worthy approach it becomes even more crucial that each financial decision is been taken under multiple approvals. CAPEX requests are one of the important parts of fund management which must go through a diligent evaluation and approval process in order to grab new growth opportunities taking business finance safety in consideration.


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CAPEX Approval System

atQor’s CAPEX approval system, extended with fund management functionality, is designed to empower business finance professional’s capabilities at the advanced level of complete control over Capex management. Without relying on the IT team, any business can adopt the solution as it is easy to configure in all systems. Its web forms and workflows are easy to understand, and any finance professional can operate as well as manage funds through it. It allows users to design, build, use and modify capital expenditure management processes within a highly responsive, web-based interface. Its business intelligence-supported reporting features make finance forecasting easy and manageable. With the technologically advanced CAPEX approval system, you get a complete set of tools for exhaustive expenses management, on-demand forecasts, and turning fund investments into business growth.

Get the best out of your CAPEX

75% White

faster in fund approval related query resolution

5X White (1)

your finance operations

90% White

enterprises follow such digital responding systems

8+ White (1)

hours saved a week on fund management operations


All you need to manage your business finances; we deliver digital solutions. A solution that resolves your in-house fund approval process & queries in marginal efforts & delivers a highly satisfying user experience.

Advanced Digital System Advanced Digital System White

Advanced Digital System

Fund Management System Fund Management System White

Fund management system

Request Generating System Request Generating System White

Request generating system

Priority Alert Priority Alert White

Priority alert

Multi Level Approvals And Notifications Multi Level Approvals And Notifications White

Multi-level approvals & notifications

Multilingual Knowledge Management Multilingual Knowledge Management White

Multilingual knowledge management

Automation Automation White


Email Integration Email Integration White

Email Integration

Key Functionalities

In collaboration with Microsoft Technologies, atQor gives the best-in-class digital feature experience.

Automated Approval Process Automated Approval Process White

Automated Approval Process

  • Automated request generation
  • Multi-level approvals and elimination of email process tracking
  • Easy to use workflow
  • Editor for hierarchy-driven approvals design
  • Prompt and accurate approval request routing & notifications
  • Sequential approvals

Agile Workflow And Impromptu Approvals Agile Workflow And Impromptu Approvals White

Agile Workflow and Impromptu Approvals

  • Advantage the on-the-go changes to the request-forms
  • Automated CAPEX approval workflows
  • Designated alternative approvers
  • Re-routing with comment addition
  • Request route by the amount or any CAPEX data

CAPEX Request Submissions CAPEX Request Submissions White

CAPEX Request Submissions

  • Easily to use design for CAPEX request generation
  • Graphical form builder for all web browser
  • Configurable tabs and data fields
  • Standardly bifurcated request processes across enterprise divisions
  • Changes to forms during workflow execution
  • After approval, data export to PDF

CAPEX Approval Process Transparency CAPEX Approval Process Transparency White

CAPEX Approval Process Transparency

  • Identify CAPEX management congestion and implement corrective action
  • Transparent view of the CAPEX approval process status
  • Reports of overall process with individual comments
  • Clear, automatically generated audit trail
  • Sophisticated CAPEX management process for various departments
  • Integration with 3-rd party accounting and ERP systems as per requirements
  • Data export and import to assure the accuracy of enterprise balance sheets and income statements

Used in Industries

atQor's CAPEX Approval System is used by many industries as it is available as a vertical-specific solution. Through automation many businesses are leveraging finance management and saving healthy amount of money from capital expenditure every year.
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