Save money every year from your travelling budget through digitalizing the process of travel approvals and keep a record of annual expenses being an intelligent company.

Your employee’s travel request management with automated software can streamline the process, and with such a modernized process, annual forecasting of spends on traveling can also be managed. Businesses get a report of expenditure they spend through which managing finances becomes easy and in case of unwanted travel requests they can deny. After analyzing yearly travel requests, the management team can bifurcate the actual travel requirements.


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On the flip side streamlining process will also add value to the employee experience. The travel request approval is essential for every business as easing your employee’s traveling can accelerate their enthusiasm to carry out their job responsibility in an efficient manner. With such a step of caring employee’s facilities, you earn the trust of your teams that the company cares about their employees.


atQor’s Business Travel Management Platform is designed to empower the company’s operational processes that involve travelling. It also has the capability of tracking data so that you can calculate the budget and manage finances. Without any dependency on technology experts in the company, any user can manage or utilize our solution. It allows administrators to design, build, use and modify travelling approval management processes within a highly responsive, web-based interface.

Get the best out of your approval systems

2X White
your travel request management system
78% White
faster in fund approval related query resolution
82% White
of enterprises follow digital processes for approvals
85% White
of employees appreciate digital processing as it gives intelligent employee experience


atQor’s employee travel requests and approvals is a well-structured ready-to-use solution to meet corporate needs for fund approval processing & query resolutions.

Fund Management System Fund Management System White

Fund management system

Advanced Digital System Advanced Digital System White

Advanced digital system

Request Generating System Request Generating System White

Request generating system

Priority Alert Priority Alert White

Priority alert

Multi Level Approvals Multi Level Approvals White

Multi-level approvals & notifications

Multilingual Knowledge Management Multilingual Knowledge Management White

Multilingual knowledge management

Automation Automation White


Email Integration Email Integration White

Email Integration

Key Functionalities

In collaboration with Microsoft Technologies, atQor gives the best-in-class digital feature experience.

Automated Process Management Automated Process Management White

Automated Process Management

  • Easy new Requests Generation
  • Configurable Workflow
  • Centralized Repository
  • Version Management
  • Analysis & Reporting

Intuitive Workflow And Improvised Approvals Intuitive Workflow And Improvised Approvals White

Intuitive Workflow and Improvised Approvals

  • Leverage the on-the-go changes to the travel forms
  • Automated approval workflows
  • Designated alternative approvers
  • Approvals/Rejections with comment addition

Data Management Data Management White

Data Management

  • Unique Dashboards for Various User’s
  • Templates, Older Requests, and much more Data Management
  • Digital Data Verification
  • User-Friendly Cloud Storage
  • Automated Flaws and Calculative Approval Management
  • On-board Approver’s Comment Tracking
  • Centralized Document Control

User Management And Interface User Management And Interface White

User Management & Interface

  • Multiple level approvals
  • Administrator Control on Entire Workflow
  • Users & Permissions Management
  • User Interface Structure Mapping
  • Quicker Access of Tabs from Dashboard

Used in Industries

Our Travel Approval Request Solution gives industry-specific customization facilities to manage their traveling finances and processes considering advanced employee experience.


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Our Clients

First Bank
Golden State Foods
All State
4 Seasons General Merchandise
American Law Institute

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